I am not a huge fan of the Lake District - well not for about thirty years now - like everywhere in this tiny overcrowded island it used to be lovely in the 'olden days' when I was young and there were less people marauding around the place in cars. It is so busy now it makes it impossible for me to enjoy it. That said Grasmere in March was not packed to the gills and it was a lovely couple of days.
It is 'famous' for being where Wordsworth lived. I loved the irony of (during our visit) the Daffodil Garden (full of daffodils) being closed. Only in England.
Two days after getting back Ken was off on a week's skiing holiday. When he left we had our sitting room of many years standing when he returned the old furniture had gone and the new stuff had arrived.
Easter came right at the end of the month and my daughter and her husband and my returning husband all arrived on the Saturday before Easter Sunday. So we had a lovely couple of days catching up and eating eggs!
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