Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Sharing a couple of photos

I recently compiled a list of favourite things amongst which was geckos.......

This little chap sat outside on the window sill of Cracker Barrel on Sunday and watched me eat my Homestyle chicken.

sunday lunch!

I also mentioned rain that everyone said thank you for rather than complained about.  they need a ton of it in the summer to get them through the long dry winter.  It also prevents fire.  Pine trees (very combustible) are indigenous to this area and drop a ton of needles making a wonderful vehicle for fires when it is dry.  At this time of year you can almost set your watch by the rain.  Around three to four pretty much every afternoon this moves in:

yesterday at Publix grocery store

We keep forgetting this and keep going out in the afternoon - yup, got caught twice so far and tropical rain is something to behold.  I love it; we often get the full works of thunder and lightening and biblical downpours - so dramatic to watch and to feel.

The first storm we ever experienced we watched neck high in an outdoor pool beside the sea!  Wonderful watching multiple lightening strikes dance across the waves.  How we survived that one I have no idea but it does explain why we were the only people in the pool.  They joy of being English - phlegmatic (aka stupid?).

 Daily summertime showers are a fact of life in Florida but should not be taken for granted.  Florida ranks number one in the number of deaths due to lightning, 94% of which occur between late May and end of September.  An average of 100 people are killed in the U.S. each year (10-13 in Florida) and almost 600 injured (30 in Florida).  Lightning kills more people in the U.S. than hurricanes and tornados combined.

It seems most deaths occur in the home and most of those are people on the phone:  "Hi, It's me, we have a huge thunderstooooorr....."

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