Tuesday, 8 September 2015

Letter from America 2. - One long eat

First thing, first morning in Orlando we went to iHop for breakfast.  We didn't want to attack the resort's 'food court' restaurant again - it was heaving. Ken is something of a pancake fan and if international House of pancakes serves me bacon I am good with that.  I do love that it is generally easier over here to get precisely what you want by ordering 'sides' rather than one of their meals.  Having ordered four rashers of bacon...they are small strips honestly...scrambled egg and some toast, my three little plates duly arrived.  I forgot to order a plate.  It is fine I am happy to eat off three plates as long as I get just what a want.   It's a deal.  Ken's pancake stack of raspberries and cream cheese looked lovely.  Two happy bunnies went on to get their hair done!

I had Sweeny Todd do mine.  She was positively viscous.  I had my head and face clawed during that lovely relaxing shampoo time.  She then burned my scalp several times with the hairdryer but she did a great job.  So, being a very grateful woman to have escaped alive and with good looking hair, I gave her a huge tip.  What I hadn't factored in was Florida's late summer climate.  It may well have been 91 but the humidity was intense and the hair do disappeared inch by inch with every step.  Clinging on to its remnants we went out to a late lunch and managed to get caught in the traditional fifteen minute thunderstorm in the afternoon which the summer brings.  Hey ho I looked human for a small while.   I want my tip back!

we got wet!

Six o'clock came round and I was off to the show.  The convention centre is vast so I wasn't even sure if I could find my way there.  Did OK but confess to getting lost going 'home' later.

might give you an idea of one of the three corridors I had to negotiate.

Food again.

part of one of the four tables set up

There was a lovely selection of hors d'oeuvres.  Indeed there were several choices to constitute a three-course meal.  I hear you saying you didn't have to eat it... but.... shrimp and grit cakes and the most delicious crab cakes all crying 'eat me'.  There were a zillion lovely looking things in the entrees plus a delicious selection of cheeses and deserts.  I confess I completely missed the desserts as I was diving into the minis as soon as I decently could.

This was a brand new show by a lady who's Philly show I had been to so I expected similar.  It seems new babies in this arena need time to grow.  There were just 33 vendors so it was possibly the smallest show I had been to and therefore quickly done.  I only bought two items and left an hour before it closed.  Unheard of.

The show is of course much more than just the vendors.  There is a week of classes and all sorts of functions.  If you have the slightest interest you'll need to trail over to my Show Blog.

Weary, food stuffed and happy, so endeth Friday.

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