Even Google remembered which was kind of them, if just a little spooky....
Before starting this I dipped back into my last post written on 3rd November - it is now now the 18th and just about everything said previously is being rapidly undone.... the stated 'just one Ikea trip' has turned into four with a fifth currently looming, I boasted the garden was put to bed and the gardener bade farewell until the spring - he is due here in about ten minutes to see if he can do a stack of reconstructing for me before the weather sets in. I was relieved that I had finished sorting rooms and cupboards and they had all been tidied - we will soon be emptying wardrobes completely and also my relocating my work room. So much for the calm and order I thought we'd found.
It has been a scabby month so far for a series of breakdowns.... It began with us out and about on a wet and windy day and returning to our car discovered we had a flat tyre - that was fun. The two heaters in the conservatory died on the same day!! That was a Ken fix-it job but one needed doing again shortly afterwards and again and again so clearly not 'right'. The day following my birthday with my daughter and husband still visiting we got up to a cold house and no hot water. The boiler was on the fritz. It was condemned by the Corgi engineer that day, but being Friday couldn't go to 'tribunal' until Monday. On Monday we were promised a Baxi engineer for the Wednesday. He arrived and duly fixed the unfixable boiler (!) So Friday to Wednesday without the comforts of 2015 was an experience. Talk about back to the fifties - the 'good old days' weren't actually that good. Heaven knows what today's generation would make of it. We are currently limping along with a fault in the house electrics somewhere which trips the fuse a couple or more times a day.
Then there were all the proposed ideas about refurbs that did and didn't happen as fast as you can say that phrase. One minute we were having wardrobes in two rooms done, then none, then one room - that's due before the 30th. The garden was a re-design now its not until the Spring. Another conservatory was being built and now it isn't, blinds were being added to our present conservatory - guess what - they aren't. We are having a workroom added to the side of the house though for my dollhousing hobby and when I get fed up with it, it will make a great storage/work area. Hoping that will start soon.
We have trailed to and from Ikea four times - both of us hate it with a passion - to buy and return a series of 'decisions' that work and don't work for various reasons. Bless Ken, my savior, who did the last returns on his own.
Hating it as I do I must say that Ikea has netted me a million plants for around the house.
Hippeastrum that flowered before I could blink at just three pounds I wish I had bought a ton of them.
The Christmas cactus has also done its thing so I was certainly ahead of myself.
This is a monster.
I squeezed in just one more but have a zillion more on my hit list
Taking a quick flit through my diary - anything of note? - not really - just the usual very nice round of seeing friends, meals, movies (Spectre done and Lady in the Van to go).
There was one gentle day - my birthday. We met S & S at The Fleece, Ripponden for a late lunch - them coming from Edinburgh and us travelling from Bury meant we were just about a drink and starter ahead of them when they arrived .... I was starving and so could claim birthday rights. The food and company was all I could ask for followed by a pootle home and an evening's nattering. They stayed another couple of days catching up with us and others. It is always lovely to see them even if our cold house wasn't the best of welcomes.
So, here I am at the 18th November and beginning to think about Christmas........ blame it on the shops and TV and all the jobs we are being promised will be done by then!
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